Cleric- There are in fact six (5 playable) different kinds of clerics, Clerics of Enoch, Clerics of Ceris, Cleric of Gradius, Cleric of Ares, Clerics of Aramon, and the regular cleric. All Clerics can vig high, except gradius now, due to a rescent update, but they have a lot more abilities. Clerics of Enoch turn the undead, pray to there god, teach some beginning spells to people and holy word the evil. Clerics of Ceris can only turn, pray and teach. Clerics of Aramon can pray, enthrall the dead and animate pets. The new cleric, gradius, has lost its ability to vig high and pray, but they gained the ability to conjure earth and smother at lvl 10. Pray give the Cleric +5 to piety and turning the dead does half damage to full on dead mobs/perms, while holy word does half to full damage to any evil mob/player and stun for about 8 seconds. Enthralling makes it so that the mob/player cant attack back the cleric that has enthralled it and animating gives the cleric a loyal pet that will assist the cleric in battle. Regular Clerics must pledge at level 7 to reach higher levels and gain more abilities. Play around with the different clerics and just pick one. A couple things you should know... clerics delvl 2x when rescinding, Aramon's pets can't be vigged for that much, and Gradius clerics blow at vigging, they only have half the vigging abilities.
Stats for Clerics - Well... It depends on which Cleric you are. Enoch really need strength, intel and piety. Aramon is the same. Ares... isn't playable yet, but since they can bash... go with the strength, con, piety. Gradius is definitely strength, con, piety. Well... just don't put any dex into a cleric. Switch around with con and intel. You never know... My friend has a con enoch cleric. Gotta ask him what he thinks of it.