Death Knight- The death knight is the sworn enemy of the paladin (they can hit a paladin even if they are both lawful and its like a clan pkill when someone dies). They has the ability to renounce their nemesis and also can pray like the cleric but their pray gives them +3 to strength. The Death Knight may also may sacrifice their blood before battles in which they literally drain their enemies hp with each evil bonus damage. At lvl 7, a death knight also learns the ability to kick their opponent and also harm (based on the evilness of the death knight) a player/mob every 30 minutes. Death Knights have to level at 8 to reach higher levels. I think death knights aren't that hard to play, and I, myself never tried out the new death knights, but from what I have seen, I think that death knights are worth playing.
Stats for Death Knights - Death Knights should probably have strength, piety and either con or intel. I personally think con is good for a Death Knight because of bloodsac. I remember Bebe (lvl 15 Death Knight) had more hp then I did (lvl 20 berserker) while bloodsaced. Death Knights should probably kill lilacs up to lvl 10. Once at that lvl, run your ass to the Bergen Cove. You will find lvl 9 Bergen Paladins there and fello lvl 13 Mercenary Death Knights. They will attack each other, so fight wisely and I can easily pick off a paladin with the help of a Death Knight. At this time you could also start doing some perms. I've known of instances where a lvl 9 Death Knight Harmed a lvl 13 vampire. I'm not sure but I think the chance of success for Harm is based on how evil the Death Knight is.