Monk- Monks are really slow to start with but once you hit level 10, you begin to hit hard. When you first begin a Monk, they hit for around 3-6 but with focus they hit for low double digits. Monks can't wield weapons without doing jack crap except for one weapon that seems to work for them. Once you get to level 10 and above you start to hit for high teens and Monks also got natural ac which make them really fun to play with when you get to around level 20. Monks have the ability to focus which make them hit harder, gives them + attack and hit more efficiently and they also can meditate which is like a real strong mend and when you reach level 10 you then learn to use the touch of death, which either usually does half or full damage on mobs and usually half on perms. Monks don't really need much to start out with besides a lot of time and they real fun but the only bad thing about them is that they are usually limited to only +1 and regular hit mobs/perms.

        Stats for Monks - Most likely, strength, con/intel, and piety. If you want to be like Mui (lvl 23 monk) , get lots of con. If you want to be like Voxon (lvl 20 monk), get intel. There's just one thing that I think is really screwed up. I heard from people that Archon had like 5 strength to start out with. I guess the idea works, since monks hit for so little at low lvls, why not hit for 2 less dmg to free up 8 points for your stats? I think at low lvls, a monk weapon is really needed. Low lvl monks could kill with a circler, but I think the best way to get to lvl 10 fast, is to use another character to kill lots and lots of Professors of Law and get lots and lots of blaster wands and do Perm runs at the low lvls, that way, you can easily get xp and build up your magic realm.